Judith Davis

At the risk of being eccentric, I describe my emergence as a self-taught Sculptor as a “Tsunami of the Soul”. My life as a sculptor began 12 years ago while rummaging around antique barns, where I found myself mysteriously drawn to the sculptural beauty and patina of discarded iron and metal. I am secretive about the origins of the various elements of my work, because these found objects eventually tell me what they want to be.
My sculptures are my voice in the world. “Ode to Ukraine” evokes the beauty of lost architecture and artifacts, while celebrating the bravery and resilience of the Ukrainian people. “I Love Paris” is both a requiem for the lives and precious architecture, now lost forever, and a love story from me, as I remember the year I lived and studied in Paris, and fell in passionate love with art. “Swan Lake” is my favorite ballet. The sheer physicality and elegance are mesmerizing and inspiring. “Song of Silence” represents the gift that I embrace when not wearing my hearing aids, and the profound gratitude that I feel for my Beloved Holy Spirit, who taught me how to “Be Silent and Listen”. Fascinated by Carl Jung’s archetypal shadow work, what I hope emerges, are works that captivate, as their beauty is illuminated and intensified by shadows.
I grew up in Winchester, Massachusetts, earned a BA, MBA and Presidential Scholar Award. I was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease in June 2020, and now spend my time making sculptures, writing a memoir, and doing Alzheimer’s Advocacy work by giving speeches, and serving on the ALZ Advisory Board.
My husband and Artisan, John Estes, and I live with my hearing dog, Annabel, and comfort cat, Lily, in Rhode Island.