Cynthia Katz

Cynthia Katz is a West Concord, Massachusetts-based artist and educator. Her cyanotypes, one of the earliest forms of photographic technology dating back to 1842, are created in a way that is relevant and meaningful in current times. Process and discovery have been guiding forces that link all her work. This work has been described as being both mysterious and familiar, has been shown regionally and nationally, most recently at Three Stones Gallery, The Danforth Art Museum, The Fitchburg Art Museum, and Soho Photo Gallery in NYC. Katz was recognized by LensCulture’s 2024 Art Photography Awards as a finalist and a juror’s pick. Her work is published in journals, books and blogs, including Manifest’s International Photography Annual 3, and LensCulture. Cynthia’s recent presentations include “Handmade Photographs” at the Photographic Resource Center in Boston, Three Stones Gallery and at Concord Art. Her work is housed in private collections. Cynthia earned a BFA in Photography from the University of New Hampshire and an MFA in Photography from Bennington College. She maintains a studio at The Umbrella Arts Center in Concord, MA, and she teaches and consults privately helping people craft, edit and sequence portfolios.